| 1. | Data source of institute of oceanology , cas 中国科学院海洋研究所数据源点 |
| 2. | South china sea institute of oceanology , chinese academy of sciences 中国科学院南海海洋研究所青岛海洋大学 |
| 3. | The phylogentic relationships of the flabellifera families are assessed using cladistic methodology . all the specimens are deposited in the institute of oceanology , chinese academy of sciences in qingdao 本文记述了我国扇肢亚目7科37属81种,其中包括13个新种, 29种为我国海域新记录种。 |
| 4. | All the samples were collected from yellow sea and the east china sea by the institute of oceanology , chinese academy of sciences from 1958 to 1982 , which deposited in the marine biology museum , chinese academy of sciences 中国科学院海洋研究所从50年代以来进行的若干次海洋生物考察过程中获得了大量的海胆类标本。标本采集的深度范围从潮间带到深海。 |
| 5. | Sparedescription : south china sea institute of oceanology , cas established in january 1959 , is one of the largest comprehensive organizations about oceanology , becoming the experimental unit of knowledge innovation in cas 描述:中国科学院南海海洋研究所成立于1959年1月,是目前我国规模最大的综合性海洋研究机构之一,并已进入中科院知识创新工程试点序列。 |
| 6. | In accordance with the collection of mbmcas ( marine biological museum of chinese academy of sciences in iocas , institute of oceanology , chinese academy of sciences , qingdao 266071 ) , chinese mitrid fauna should be rich , although the records from china seas are poor 笔螺科( mitridae )是软体动物门( mollusca )腹足纲( gastropoda )新腹足目( neogastropoda )中的一个重要类群,全世界种类数量已达500余种。笔螺的研究历史十分悠久,距今已有200余年( linnaeus , 1758 ) 。 |